ramaj gilbert, the norwegian doctor who has done extensive humanitarian work in gaza and has been a crucial assistant of crucial assistance to al shifa hospital, he gave a statistic that 42% of the those that have been killed were in the southern part of ghazza, not in the north, so there is no safe place within the ghazza strip, so what israel tries to do is saying that, but we warned everyone to move to the south, and therefore those that are caught in the crossfire in the north are combatants, that's not true, they know exactly what they are doing, in fact there is an interview and an article that was released by the publication plus 972. where they indicate that because of the extensive intelligence network that they have and the systems that they have in place, the 8200 intelligence unit knows exactly how many individuals are each house before the... vomit, there's also an indication by csic, or rather csis in in a panel discussion that they are utilizing geothermal imaging and the infrastructure of the united states to map out individuals within building, so when they throw those bomb