as in the raman pabudovs, the arches and ribs of the mule are transmitted to the gooseberry vault, ande buttresses, as identified by the axles 13 hundred-year-old gatychny doilys, the buttress was made more by paspyakhova, which is wider at the same time, where the buddings began to give them a stepped shape. the buttresses fall naturally and do not give the scenes the appearance of a house of cards. was not established in the european kingdom, of course, traditions passed here, both in the past and in the past, and our steps of manu- mental milking, of course, are all connected with the byzantine tradition y, but more than that, the empire traversed the crisis and the 15th century naogul yak dziarzhava znikla, tym the sailings of zahad became more obscure. there were not only cultural, geta and economic ties, such as the hansa, geta and other military conflicts, all the geta became the main thing, just as the new fashionable slat architecture was coming here. the historical architecture is extraordinary, if they do not overwhelm, then every day the germans will float on the farm of ou