is an interesting fact, i say this, referring to a report by the portal onet, immediately after ramashevska was fired from belsat, journalists from the onet portal conducted an investigation that showed that, apparently, it was the americans who decided to remove agnieszka romoszewska, and this was a decision by the united states, it is very likely that this decision was actually made in the united states, because, as is known, many issues concerning poland are decided there. it turns out so interestingly, everyone who fought for ours twisted millions through funds, small and large, employees were imprisoned, managers rubbed their hands, which means you can earn more, the polish paid for all this taxpayer, and by the way, he was asked, it was a project inside out and i, ekaterina tikhomirova, until next time. who wanted to steal september 1, imagine, this huge tree is flying straight at the school building, are belarusian schools ready for the new school year, we love our children, what is for them, painting, cleaning, why does the state invest in education, equal access is essential. to ed