grandmother in our streets he was living in a simple flat for a long time is more than ten years old ramel or has brought him here some three years ago she was a very old woman she brought to bear here in a car without any cage just using a leash she cooked a big delicious cake for him i think that grandmother is just too old to look after him. i'm just trying to imagine a bad living in a granny flat now and he had. been a big spare room. but never seen one such a bond of trust with so many different creatures it was like being around a real life dr doolittle a nickel i hope for the thousands of visitors who come to the park take a new appreciation of the animals away with the. obvious void of my visit to the support and minor cuts and bruises i figured it was time to visit one of the black sees more sedate stores to tractions and maybe get myself something to eat. only you learn quite quickly about the russians is that they love their bread whether it's brown black roy pretty much comes with everything but we just call it strains in the two years i've been travelling around this country i