i'm ramon galdamez. i've been with the department 18 years. the light rail operators are deeply concerned about the safety mechanism in place on the lrv-4's. they are concerned with the lrv-4 not stopping in a timely manner. as you all know, the lrv-4 has many issues, including a safety efficiency. something needs to be done. we are being instructed to apply this. proper planning appropriates poor performance. they should have come to this. actually, i may know more about this equipment than i know about my wife. i spend 10, 12 hours on a daily basis. we are responsible for this equipment. as i stand before you, i am asking you to reconsider before we let this unat ttamed lion o dinosaur into the street. with that said, i will please implore you. i have had numbers of conversations and discussions with m.t.a. team, and it seems like to be they are going down the tube. they are reluctant to do something about it because the trains are here, and we realize that being here means they're going to force for us to adjust and to accommodate ourselves