i brought with me ramon galderamez, and he's more of an expert than i am. i only drove the p.c.c.s, and he drove the light rail, so he has a much more understanding of the defects related to the bradas, the l.r.v.-4's. however, i want everybody to take that word, b-l-a-m-e. it's not the operator's fault that they have a monitor approximately this size right here inside their vehicle in which they're supposed to look 150, 160 feet back. and on top of that, their monitor whites out, as we've seen through the reporting that's been done on the -- some news stations. so please, let's just take that word into consideration and try and shift that blame, that focus. with that in mind, i'd like to bring up ramon galdamez. >> good morning, commissioners. i'm ramon galdamez. i've been with the department 18 years. the light rail operators are deeply concerned about the safety mechanism in place on the lrv-4's. they are concerned with the lrv-4 not stopping in a timely manner. as you all know, the lrv-4 has many issues, including a safety efficiency. something needs to