bet against as our teaser ramona glinda shows us the last sound thousands fighting to keep his home with the help of some california occupiers. sharon comes over. i'm going to get arrested and and fight to land trying to save her house art the los santos is ready to stand up to the law and to wall street after repeatedly trying to modify their known the delos onto his family was a big did late last year a devastating blow for the family who have a decades worth of family memories in this house the kids have grown up here we've done modifications to the house we tile windows. define a court order art moved his family back in taking back the dream he feels was stolen art could potentially face arrest for reentry in the home where he has raised his four children but despite the risk the family is staying put inspired by the occupy movement and other struggling homeowners who are now more than never willing to take on the big banks another revelation causing outrage about mortgage giant freddie mac. freddie mac. began increasing these investments dramatically in late two thousand and ten at