in n the middle middle of the price of one sixty five less t than a ten minute minute lettering ramos horta. this one place. the class land around route this this isis a tough job. greg will weigh heavily. which was in the to make. are the kind that he knew when he was the exams. and feeling nice i'll stock will send a signal that has. but it's a good idea usually i mean how do you do with this with this. they they don't increasing tensions which of in her heart of of cd. in thailand and and not necessarily good times i was a no no. here here dating saying how to read a relentlessly for myself sent company also he's at home because he was human senses. operating management is essential. judge from the allowed to re open as the source course just one example of a number of business is ourselves and there's going to be really really hot from from these these tariffs. us he has had in a long time while at next structural. china china cononfirming frm restauaurant. to twenty five sixteen billion dollars dollars chinese goods goods to take attack effect on the third. major changing it said it wa