know, that's a good point in its own right, and just so no one gets confused looking back on our ramtha class, my instinct and what, you know, i found very inspirational is that you could kind of put yourself at the start of a new religious movement. you know, we're talking about religions with millennia behind them when we're speaking, of course, buddhism, christianity. that's not a place we want to enter into comparisons- i believe you're quite right there- but that impulse is what we were looking at. now i notice that i didn't get to some folks, and we will, but in the interest of getting on to a very interesting piece that i wanted to share with you here about doctrine and interpretation- and i mentioned it to chris in the last class- on the book of revelation, which, as chris said- i forget exactly what you said- but this is a very unusual book. and it is, it's an extraordinary book, but it's one that has some amazing implications because of the interpretation of it, and in some cases, it can be- it can have violent results. and i wanted to share that with you and look at some curr