. >> randall saraguchi. >> good afternoon, commissioners. my name is randall sarag user c. we are a nonprofit in becauseviebecauseviewbecauseviee served boys of colour in the neighborhood three through five with a saturday school placing colour in front of them with stem exercises. the success with had with that slowly evolved in more men of colour in our schools in our week. so a one-day-a week program to three-day-a-week program and now we're at 350 harbour road and we have our formed initialive of recruiting african-american men to move to the city and give them housing to do that in this environment that the city has now. so at this intersection of education, workforce development and workforce housing for essential professionals in the city and our focus is on teachers, it's been extremely difficult, as you can imagine, making all of the pieces work at the same time, particularly for a small nonprofit but i can say that five-point and the community partners with this project interest bee have been o that come the end of this project, there could be a chance for a teach