you, randy weingarten and others, but let me bring into this discussion, msnbc political analyst richard wolffe. richard, you are watching what is going on -- michael, stay with me, don't go anywhere. the politics of this is what? could this be on the other side of the political spectrum, the balance to the tea party? >> well, it's certainly the energy and organization you were talking about at the top of the show. it also frames what we're seeing. actually we start with the tea party itself. there's this enduring resentment at how wall street and the financial sector has behaved, not just because of the meltdown, not just because of the profits, but also because of how they're behaving right now. you know, some of the president's most strident critics right now are the banks, the financial institutions who say he's antibusiness, he doesn't get it. how dare he even question whether bank of america could charge people for using the debit cards. they want to roll back everything that's been done, which by the way most of the people on the streets would say isn't nearly enough. so you have