wet a meeting last thursday night the new chair of our board is ireneconel and the new vice chair is rando from city of bris obtain and they do city work with the city of bris obtain as well and we have a board policy committee it's our one standing committee and there will be new members appointment to that i suspect and some carry over with respect to our board meeting we had two items of interest one related to item 11 on calaveras dam and the other one is on the agreement and i'll withhold my comment until we get to that. >> we are ready to move to the public items? or consent calendars any consent items that you wish to remove. >>> item nine, items nine f through eight are considered to be routine 50 the s f public utilities tigs and will be act upon by the single vote of theition and there will be no separate discussion of these at some times unless a member of commission or the public so requests and in which event the the matter will be removed from the car car and considered as a separate item. >> i'll lick had move -- all those in favor signify by saying aye motion carries commis