in queue for watching, before we go we want to say goodbye to our stage manager, randy braze who is retiringfter 33 years at kqed. randy has been an integral part of our show and will be dearly missed. we wish him well on his next adventures. finally, this evening if you have been walking or driving around the bear area recently you may have noticed honey bears looking out windows or painted on the sides of shuttered businesses. it is the work of an anonymous street artist by the name of finch who started painting them years ago, and now sees them as a way to put a smile on people's faces during the pandemic. this spring, he raised almost $130,000 for bay area charities through sales of his artwork. which reminds us of the power of art, to unite and uplift during a time of shared struggle. robert: high stakes on the high court. and for american democracy. president trump: i will be putting forth a nominee next week. it will be a woman. >> we have an obligation under the constitution to fill the vacancy. robert: republicans rush to fill a vacancy as the nation remembers justice ruth bader gin