this edition of kaiser and for with me back skies are stationed over like to thank our guest randy brito britto of. mash do you want to catch us on twitter it's guys report and so next time. you know what i i don't want to talk to a crime in this news agency forgive me you'll have to find someone to. go with the trying to stay with this one stick. of the clinton good to see which is just like the jews 3 is exactly when my father. die. so i need you in this day week. i mean yes you don't see him through the bush. i think. it's an indication of how. we are definitely winning it because we have the people they have people in power we are in the. business challenging orthodoxies it is called the quincy institute for responsible state this is not an ordinary think it is funded by charles koch and among others talk about strange bedfellows in these establishment billionaires the foreign policy. and italian prime minister. with the state of a. public backlash against one of the. british prime minister for an. opposition labor party needs. even atrocities. a crime wave and creating a. swimming pool.