as a percentage of our general fund operating expenses, our general fund reserves, including randy david reserves, are less than 1% -- including rainy day reserve, are less than 1%. we should be in the 5%-15% ratio. our reserves are dramatically depleted. they also noted that the city has balanced several recent budgets using a heavy reliance on one time funds, which leaves a structural imbalance between revenue and expenditures in the projections. buthat will require difficult choices for the mayor and board of the coming year. it last, it highlights both the steep cost the city faces for our pension contributions during this time, which is not unique to us but creates a significant challenge given our reserve position, and then our retiree health unfunded liability, which is higher than most on a per capita basis. it supervisor chu: with regards to how not often that agencies will evaluate our credit rating, is there any time line when we expect to be re- evaluated by the agency? do we expect other agencies to follow suit? >> pretty much any time we go to the markets to sell debt, whic