. >> captain randy demery has been confronting problems for 25 years he worked at the jail. >> good friend of mine said the thing that makes corrections so easy is that all you have to do is get voluntary compliance out of a bunch of people who have already proven that they will not voluntarily comply with the rules of society. so piece of cake. and we're in a position where we can get to a very large degree voluntary compliance out of that group of people, so actually the challenge of that is rewarding and fun. >> some challenges like those presented by joe leija can take longer to resolve than others. >> he doesn't come across as a dangerous guy, he's respectful to the officers, but it's not one of those guys i would trust. he's definitely a dangerous individual, especially on the street, and within his gang world. you wouldn't want to turn your back on him. >> he was recently confined to the segregation unit where he's locked in a single man cell 23 hours per day. jail surveillance footage shows why. >> he is down here and his accomplice is kind of walking around in the day room there.