professor ranked louis -- randy louis has been at it for 15. >> we use the genes that the spider silkses it, we moved them in backtear why, alfalfa, goats. >> take me through the process of how you get a spider gene into something like a goat. >> we cut and supplies from other people's work, put it together with the new genes. >> the goats whose embryos were injected hang here at this barn in wellsville utah. >> we wanted to make it in the mill, only when lack tating. these are spider goats. when you do genetic manipulation goats are better than sheep and cattle in terms of milk production. they are as good as cows. >> and the final reason to use goats? >> you can't argue that baby goats are such as cute as any animal out there. >> they are. hello guys. don't bite the beard, you're going down. i couldn't leave without milking. i am milking a goat right now. what do you think? >> i think you probably should quit your day job. >> i understand people have ethical concerns when it comes to transgenic organisms. >> if you look at behaviour and physiology, it's the same as any goat. except