robinsons meet randy owen and an invite to the country ball, sponsored by st. jude's children's hospital, where they met some country music elite, like randy owen, lead singer of "alabama". :09 natsot lisa: 00:00:06 "we know who you are..." natsot: lottery drawing... now less than a week after this changed their lives forever... :03 natsot drawing robinson lottery winners at home ...the robinsons are back in munford, tennessee... :03 natsot lisa: 01:24:33 "whoop i'm home...i'm in my home... ...happy to be home... :02 natsot robinson lottery winners lisa "home sweet home honey...yup..." but the enormity is starting to sink in - and it's more than just the size sot lisa 19:57:20/19:57:45 "i love my hondas and i can't even drive my own cars right now lisa was back at work monday...john is planning to go back today... in the end, though, maybe john had it today... in the end, though, maybe john had it right. :06 sot john 20:32:2323 "i got my wife on my arm, what more could i ask for? i've got plenty of money now..." that was natalie morales reporting. the other two