so i would like to have it corrected to read randy scott, not randy breslin. [laughter] >> oh, i missed that too. [laughter] >> any other corrections? no? seeing none. >> i move the adoption of the minutes as edited. >> second. >> okay. any public comment on this item? all those in favor signify by saying aye. all those opposed, no? it's unanimous. item number 2. discussion item. >> item 2, discussion item. general public comment within the board's jurisdiction, not appearing on today's agenda. please come forward. >> my name is mike delane. i want to start by saying thank you for all you do. i received a letter from kaiser hospital telling me my wife had been taken off my health care. i'm kind of like, what's going on? i got a letter dated the 28th of july telling me to call this number. i called the number. they tell me they are doing an audit. i said fantastic, we need audits. they said you haven't contacted us with the last two letters we sent to you, so we are taking your wife off your health care. i said if you haven't contacted me, why would you do that