scott roder: he felt his life and reeva's life were in danger. randi kaye: so he quickly grabbed his 9 millimeter handgun, he said, which was next to the bed, and moved through the dark. robyn curnow: and he walked on his stumps yelling, get the eff out of my house. get the eff out of my house, yelling. actor as oscar: get out of my [bleep] house! get out! he ascertains that someone's behind the bathroom door, which is locked-- [creaking] --and fires four shots through the door. [gunshots] robyn curnow: he said that he went back into the bedroom and realized reeva was not in bed and had a sinking feeling that she might be in the toilet. michael sokolove: he puts on his prosthetic legs. he fetches his cricket bat. scott roder: he runs back into the bathroom and starts beating the bathroom door with the cricket bat until he's able to open the door. and he sees reeva bleeding on the ground by the side of the toilet. reporter: pistorius was sobbing through the entire bail hearing. his side, though, the defense attorney said that the shooting was not premed