carolina, just out of curiosity, and i didn't just do it on general soil types which my colleague randy turner did in his dissertation and found it correlates. i found sometimes very specific soils, number 298, this is not in color, but 298 down by the word perten bay, is one particular kind of soil, the best that's available locally, and that's where palatan lived. i promised i wouldn't mention individuals. you can actually pin it down by specific soil type. in this case, i think i remember it is state sandy loams, farther up, it is fantastic and the state soil now. this is what the indian women found. we know where they were doing their farming. thanks to schmidt. and if you take river valleys and then correlate them with kinds of soil, that's the river. bi bingo. look how many of the towns are by the soils. about an 80% correlation to the river. it correlates. i waited ten years to find that out. it was worth it. yep. good stuff. and the indian women knew it first. of course, they had 600 years of trial and error. and 600 years is quite enough for experimenting. but it worked. it worked. no