but this man, swedish diplomat raoul wallenberg, saved thousands virtually single-handed.uing them swedish passports. that's why there are memorials to wallenberg throughout budapest. when troops from the soviet union arrived, the germans fled, but not before blowing up all the bridges across the danube. the soviets claimed they had liberated the city. they even erected this liberty monument. but the people were not truly liberated. hungary was oppressed by communist rule until the soviet union ended in 1990. since then, the hungarian parliament has been home to officials elected by the people. although divided by a wide river, the city is united by history and heritage. budapest takes great pride in its nickname -- "capital of freedom." above the danube, between buda and pest, i'm nicole for "teen kids news." >> this fashion report is brought to you by ralph lauren. for new york fashion week, young stars and young models set the trends. kiernan shipka got a front-row seat at the ralph lauren girl's fashion show. and that's teen voguesenior fashion news director, jane kelt