they are worried about losing r raqa city.hey have been digging around the perimeter. >> the airstrikes closed the main route isil uses to supply raqa from turkey but it's main stronghold is far from being under siege. they have no plans to advance the mainly arab city. they have said any further battle would have to be led by arab forces. >> those who are in concert with activists believe that isil could be easily defeated. >> ypg is not interested in taking the city. there are mainstream opposition groups in the area who are ready to fight isil, but they need air support and the coalition does not seem willing to support them. the coalition only supports the kurds. >> many syrians have started to question the cooperation between the coalition and the ypg. they accuse the kurdish force of taking advantage of the territorial gains by cleansing areas they capture in arabs and fight isil in territories in part of what they call western. now they're being treated as the only reliable partner on the ground in syria which is angeri