charges including murder, aggravated assault, and carjacking together with his co-defendants rashard mosleyown said she was reluctant to talk to the police but decided to tell them about her cousin's role in the murder. according to brown, she, mosley, and johnson had asked a friend for a ride and johnson surprised them all by pulling a gun and robbing the driver. she says when the victim tried to flee the car, johnson shot him in the leg, and he later died. >> i think it was his intentions to kill him. he don't have no remorse. i'm sitting here now and he ruined everything. i feel like it's my fault. i do feel like it's my fault because i brought him with me, but i didn't think that was something that he was going to do. >> johnson was initially only charged with receiving stolen property and a probation violation, but detectives had already considered him a suspect in the carjacking and murder. so brown doesn't know if the information she gave him contributed to his indictment or not. >> were you involved in any way in those murders? >> no, nothing like that. detectives came counsel here