. >> my name is rashid dosane, and i lived here in the city for 12 years, and i've been working for lyftand uber for six years. and one time just happened i had to stop for one month in the six years for health reasons. and then that month, i had to pay my insurance, i had to pay my car finance, and no one is paying me for this month. and i had my car -- i sold my car. and now i don't have any car. i financed all of the cars. so thank you, gig workers, for supporting us for living wages and transparency. i am for ab5, and thank you for supporting us. thank you very much. >> chairman: thank you. next speaker. >> hello. i'm cory helmonds with the national brother hood of teamsters. i'm here to support the gig workers who are sharing their horror stories about being misclassified as being independent contractors by companies like uber and lyft in san francisco. every employee should have the right to a basic livable wage, minimum wage. they should have the right to workers comp and social security benefits. that's why teamsters is in support of assembly bill 5, and we support it here in san