thousand men are ready to equip matchmakers for you, know that in this thousand men i am also, rasul gamzatovong them, a proud man called rasul, if 10 true husbands are in love with you. without hiding the fire, among them rejoicing and mourning, i too, rasul gamzatov, if only one is crazy about you, not inclined to promises, know that this is from the cloudy peaks, a mountaineer called rasul, if no one is in love with you, and the gloomy sunsets become sad, means on a basalt plateau. asked: “faina, do you think i’m a poet?” he said: “well, what are you, you are a great poet, that is, you understand, here he is, the higher he went, maybe the more a person comprehends, the more he understands, but as if this is the scope of this, but this is how he since yes, yes, responsibility, that’s what he’s talking about i thought he had such a poem for his mother, he addresses his mother, he writes, he was delirious, i am in glory, now i need the night to be like a burka." and you are just the light, that’s what, and he, i remember, he even once, he said , as moikov said, except for a freshly washed shi