>> well, everybody will look at the participation rateea in. and they say that's great news. that in fact is exactly what you want to occur so that inflationary pressures don't get out of control. one other number that i look at is the numberef peo working part-time for economic reasons. that actually jumped in the late month. and those are individuals that actually want to work longe hours. and they don't necessarily demand higher wages toork longer hours. they actually want to do it. so that's another factor outha thereis restraining overall wage pressures. keep in mind that when you look atehe cha in the labor force over the last 12 months it's running almost twice as fast as the increase in the lab force that we saw all of last year. so we continue to labor force, bringing people from the fringes into the labor force. th's going to also be another restraining factor for wages. >> on that note, anthony, thank you as always. anthony chan with chase. >> and that strong jobs report came on the nine year anniveary of the bull market, one of the longest you of all time. how muc