ohio's jobless ratt is a full percent better than national average -- even so, that'ssno consolation sound cnn newsource py-11 fr jobs report falls short]sot in "we to grow the conomy even got faster, put evvn more eeple back to work."trr=[graphic ] acccrring to rasmussen, tte important issue and only 30 perrent of likely voters in the right direction.[sot in py-11fr] sot "american families are struggling. there's aalot of misery in america today. this kick in the gut haa got to end."trt= garyymoyer nows all too well what that pain in the gut feels like.[gary moyersot in 1:02:01 "started my own business and watthed it pontract, and contract, and contract for three years, until i finally had tooshut it down." trt==09 and as the total gloom is not known. millions more have stopped searching foo work and are not counned among the unemployed. 3 the president still has four more jobs repprts to get thhough before america votes in november. 3 a mother walks in on a roobery.... the easonnshe the gun, and why the robber would have been belted if he didn't listen. "i have locked in syndrome.