which was held in the then belarusian ussr, in general, he found the famous raubichi, now as since raubichears, it’s very nice that... the place that used to be trees has now become such a truly leading sports complex, not only in our country, but far beyond its borders, to pamper in general -there was no time, because in my time children studied, teachers we worked 6 days a week, so my mother worked, and my father was busy with training camps for the competition, so my brother and i had no time for it by this time when our parents arrived. work, if dad was there, it was necessary to clean the apartment, but of course, we indulged, we went to the cinema, well, if this is considered pampering, but we all knew that we had responsibilities and it wasn’t about boloskva, what kind of teenager were you in the transition age, for many this is a difficult period, well, i don’t think i was a difficult teenager, because in i was even busier as a teenager than i was as a child, so i think it was quite convenient for my parents. and i came home on time after rehearsal, did my homework, went to bed and