intervieweders," we representative raul grijalva. he talks about the sexual harassment charges you have heard about and the case of representative john conyers, the judiciary committee's ranking member. [video clip] >> the maltreatment of women employees by leadership in the offices, i.e., members of congress, i think deserves the airing it is getting. more importantly, any harassment, sexual harassment, the use of power, to inflict unseemly requests on .omen are wrong i really think, on this issue, that as agonizing as it may be for all of us, that the ranking member needs to step down, at the minimum, as leader pelosi ethicsor, an investigation, and the chips will fall from there. i agree that is a necessary step. we are past the tipping point. whether it is in the boardroom, whether on the floor, whether in a shop, in a business, or in the halls of congress and government, any government level power andationship of the attempt to exploit that power, sexually, and to demean, demand with a sexual connotation -- that change is not on