who is ray c bliss? >> on unassuming insurance man who for 50 years was one of the behind-the-scenes mastermind of the republican party at local, state and national level. he was a pioneer in political polling, tv, but probably best known for putting the publican party together again after the 1964 barry goldwater debacle. many people thought there might not be another republican party but they -- put the party back together, developed a coordinating committee to get john lindsay, liberals like john lindsay together with barry goldwater as he knew he had to have a united party. so largely with bliss's help richard nixon was elected president in 1968 but nixon held a grudge against bliss because in 1966 when bliss was chairman, nixon wanted the national committee to pay for an airplane to fly him around the country to campaign for congressional candidates and bliss told him no, he would have to give one to george romney and nelson rockefeller and nixon set i won't forget this and he didn't. in 1969 after