would say oh that's a conspiracy theory but now the guy who runs the largest hedge fund in the world ray deleo has joined this side of the equation the way we look and analyze the markets he agrees with us and here again he's the most successful current hedge fund manager in the world bridgewater's dalliances capital markets are no longer free central bank balance sheets will explode dahlias said that investors should favor stocks and gold over bonds and cash because the latter offer a negative rates of return and central banks will print more money see he's watched the show he knows about plucky he knows about what plucky does the balance sheet are so what race saying there you know what we've been saying right so in a market there is that the price in a market is supposed to represent something i supposed to represent supply and demand that's kind of what prices are all about and that's what the wealth of nations the book written by. adam smith adam smith is all about you know. oh it's the enlightened thinking apply to economics that the invisible hand that is better than having the king tel