couple days back, we reported what seemed like the ultimate irony, a man from west virginia named ray dolan, was hitch hiking across america while writing his experiences in a book on the kindness of americans, when he was shot by the driver of a pickup truck who was later arrested. well, it turns out americans are kind after all. police say dolan shot himself in an apparent act of self-promotion. about the man they arrested has now been released, the local sheriff said, quote, i had the worst feeling he was telling me the absolute truth. he said it was a great feeling when they learned the man had nothing to do with it. >>> up next here tonight, a woman who wants to bring back a simple concept -- doctors listening to their patients. >>> time for our friday night making a difference report. this is one for anyone who's ever wished their doctor was a little better at the bedside manner part of the job of doctoring. tonight our chief medical editor dr. nancy snyderman introduces us to a fellow physician who believes listening is good medicine and she's doing something about it. >> reporter: d