ray everidge is serving life for theft.is job is dorm security. >> my job consists of monitoring the dorm. i walk down each aisle and check for what they call uniformity. uniformity is where you check to make sure all the beds are properly clothed and make sure all their living area is in order. >> in general population, correctional officers can write up inmates for infractions. >> thank you. >> but here in the honor dorm, fellow inmates police the hallways. >> if you see anyone violating, you give them a warning, tell them to stop doing it. if you see a direct violation, it's your option to give them a direct write-up. if you get a write-up, you go before a panel. and if you lose so many points, you get removed from the dorm. >> i love construction work. i have a building here that i designed i hope to build upon my release. you get out here, all that tension seems to gradually dissipate. this is a blueprint of what i built. maybe do something positive with life for a change. it gives you a different perspective on the th