the white house called the sec chairman ray garrett and asked him if the sec wanted the authority that it gave to the cftc. and ray was a man i worked with and admired rightly said, are you kidding? we have a harder time doing what we have, why do we want to take on higher things. i think it would produce a better regulatory environment. >> i will say as a last thought that the agencies i think are working better together now than i've ever seen them work in my career. so something's working. >> and would you like to weigh in and disagree with them? >> i know better than to disagree with them. >> words for our children, is there still going to be money in banking? >> there's plenty of money in banking. >> when harvey says that there's a brain drain in banking, every banking official that came to me on pay, i was told if they didn't pay what they asked, they would leave. and the ceo would say this person is irreplaceable. i reminded the ceo the graveyards are filled with irreplaceable people and most of them are still at their best. >> on that note, i want to thank our panel very much.