terry grossman, are you the one who prescribed 250 different pills for ray to take every day, ray kurzweil here with me? >> no, i couldn't say that i prescribed them. ray's an independent thinker and has carefully analyzed his own biochemistry and i've assisted him in establishing a program to what we call preprogram his biochemistry to deal with some of the genetic issues that he's dealing with. >> before i let you in, terry, before you have thoughts about his taking mega dosages of environment e, for example? >> well -- >> we only have a few seconds. >> i don't know -- yes, i don't think it's a good idea to recommend to the rest of the population that we take mega doses of environment e. >> you said at one point it could kill you. >> in a recent study there was a demonstration that there was a higher risk of death for those who took more than 400 international units of environment e. >> you want to give me a concluding line from alfred, we anticipated the study in the book and recommended you do not take a lot of alpha tocaphero you take it mixed, food is very high in gamma tacopherol an