lemonis: in 2010, justin romines started rayjus with his fishing buddy, ray odom. justin: if you take the graphic stuff out of there, i bet you it's almost even. lemonis: as 50/50 partners, their goal is to bring professional-looking sports shirts to amateur fishermen. katie: we only need five small. justin: okay. but we're short this material for all this? katie: correct. lemonis: but fishing is a seasonal sport, and that means unpredictable revenue. ray: well, february, march isn't bad. april -- got our ass kicked. lemonis: and the slow months have led to a lack of funds while their debt continues to climb. justin: we also have no material here right now to get the lamb order done... lemonis: sports apparel is a $35 billion market in the u.s. i have a massive investment in the outdoor space with my acquisitions of gander and overton's, and this could be a great addition to them. hello? as i go through the warehouse, i-i honestly thought i was in somebody's storage garage that was just holding boats in there. hello? cathy: hello. lemonis: how are you? cathy: good.