ray tanter, georgetown university. ambassador benjamin, thank you for your service to our country and our outstanding presentation. i wondered, you tended to use the word violent extremism, words like islamist never came out of your mouth during your speech. and some people think that the obama administration has turned its back and not taken the war on terrorism, if may use that term, as seriously as the result of the fact that you don't talk about role of islam. reminds me of when rob litak led the way with term rogue state. rogue reg geem. madeleine albright said letgs@ goá"&@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ y&' is that the purpose? >> i get this question with every appearance. i think that the best way to put it is that the issues of what constitutes true islam and what does not are best answered among muslims and by muslims. and our concern is really with those who seek to use violence as a means to effect our policy and our actions in the world. i would argue that it's a sign of our seriousness that we don't resort to that kind of