you knew raya vladimir yuryevich and where kostya, i don’t pick up the phone .ere i don’t know, they are in a bag on the table in the kitchen. clear guys. there is a sea of them. he took all the serum for himself at once to my injected antihistamines. and where was olya sent? and we'll take you well, call the flank. let me change you. thank you, come on, come on, come on, hello parshin, thank god you hear, help me out. you can drive up to filatovskaya right now. we will hand over the patient to these cars, but i have a cuppa here. i understand. i'll have to ask for whatever you want, thank you out loud. thanks to roma's hospital, i didn't see that ur was there. i did not understand on the phone, the voice was alarmed. but if anything, you have me, well, in the sense we are on our own. thank you 214 free 214 rides car. unit to accounting, well, what have we done? so warn everyone, let them check everything so that the mosquito does not undermine the nose. fine? i wanted to ask. everything is fine. it's none of my business, but it's kind of tense your business i