raymond azokpota is the program's director.and knows the residents and their needs. he's already achieved his first aim for the project. now he wants to do something for the environment, too. >> we can use these machines to add value. but the women have trouble with the fuel. diesel for the machinesruns low every three or four months or so. so we thought that we'll run them on biodiesel and that will help reduce co2 emissions. >> it's market day in the neighboring village of bohicon. most people in benin live from farming. but fossil fuels are scarce there, meaning the country is dependent on gasoline and diesel imports from neighboring nigeria. a large portion of the fuel is smuggled over the border and sold in bottles illegally along the road at much lower than market prices. raymond azokpota is concerned that entire families live from selling the smuggled goods. >> it's an enormous problem. there are always serious accidents. houses burn down and people get hurt. >> these plants could help resolve the country's energy shorta