. >> caller: ...the raymond hotel's on fire and there's about 20 people evacuated. >> police: shots fired! >> police dispatch: okay, code 33 adam 11 david, shots fired at geary and leavenworth. >> 911: fire department, may i help you? >> caller: ...i hear the ambulance, but i wanted to make sure they're coming here. >> engine 8: command, engine 8, go ahead. >>> fires...medical...and police emergencies require that we get there in a hurry. lives and property are at risk! a quick response requires your help. every second counts. hello, i'm san francisco fire chief joanne hayes-white. the following video will show you how to safely move over for red lights and sirens and help us get there. in today's fast-paced world, we are all in a]< hurry. while driving, many of us are prone to the distractions. we are listening to our music...loud! we talk on the cellar phone...or we zip in and out of traffic, just trying to get to our destination. the cars we drive today are well insulated and almost soundproof. so, it's no wonder that we do not hear the sirens of emergency vehicles. >>> well, the main