. >> raymond l arew. beacon street is a very short street and no crossing. the only place to cross is billy goat park, an undevelopmented park at the close of the end of the beacon street and this illegal that crosses there. should want be there. >> thank you. >> we have jack and jane, and i think that is going to be it for this item once you two are done. >> good morning. i would like to talk about the money, the money the department doesn't seem to have. money to launch unneeded uncalled for projects like a trail that no one needs on beacon street that goes up to the play ground. it should be clear from all of the people here the overwhelming opinion on this trail is rather negative. i should point out that as the play ground was built provides adequate entrances accessible to the public. clearly never designed with the potential cliff side entrance down to beacon street. there is no need to spend money on a study or planning or developing such an access. further there should be no need for public meetings, consensus gathering from a few hikers lost and wa