i will just turn it over to raymond lee. this is a semiannual report, and as usual, he is an expert at this. so i won't even give any overview. >> good afternoon, commissioners members of the public, raymond lee, contract in compliance supervisor with ocii. in the interest of time, would have liked to do is run through my presentation rather quickly and reserve time for questions because i think the dialogue that we have had in the past has been very worthwhile. before i start, i would like to acknowledge a couple of members in the audience today. we have someone from the warriors here, we also have vicky and curtis jackson representing morris and clark construction. they are constructing the chase center. i also would like to acknowledge oewd and their staff. we brought the full spectrum of their staff members here because workforce was a lively discussion in our last meeting. we do have joshua, the director of workforce, along with ken, manager of workforce and the director of city build. we also have chris farkas, the act