year, but the waters were filled with fish, carp, so i ask all hells on the lake dzyatsіnstvo, on raynikand the lords of the meeting are formal and formal, whenever such hours happen, when i’m busy, i come here to avoid spam, well, i’m glad we. chargu this people, what kind of life we have, this, this, and meat, what love with all our souls, this love that we are belarusians, this fee for the fact that we have our own culture, our own language, our own culture, i, lyas, i peraleski, y goman bird mizhgallya, all this... dear palesse, all this native land, i’m not eager to fall with you , i’m sleeping with the ladies from afar, because i’m the dearest may i save you, holy father of the earth. we are belarusians, peaceful people, we were given our native land to the sirs, we are strong, we are, once again, our land. like the beginning, the earth was layered, ours, the bright land, the people were formed. friendship of people, strength of people, on our victorious, owl roads, our mountains, clear pits, fear is likely, joy is holy, anger. on our land is a bright name, the people's union is