rayon griffin, a student at apg middle school won a national video contest sponsored by wells fargo and his winning video he talked about how important the first tee has been for him and the lessons he has learned about life through the game of golf and he had the opportunity to play with professional golfer ricky fowler during a pro-am event at the wells fargo championship two weeks ago and this 13-year-old completely undaunted by playing with a professional golfer and stepped up to the first tee and ripped a shot and went on to break 1 00 for the round, becoming an instant hit for the spectators and media. this got national and international exposure and i thought it was worth noting and we're very proud of our relationship with the first tee and this first story shares. >> i had the golf channel on accidentally and saw the whol thing. >> accidentally. er ] >> last week the california coastal commission voted unanimously to uphold the project at the west wednesday of golden gate park and perhaps the most vetted soccer field in u.s. history and the vote means that the renovation projec