freedom of speech, that is, about the fact that everyone there shouts very loudly, when it comes to the razhkaecause they simply cut out the corresponding telegram channels and everything, people are disconnected, everything is taken away, well that is, it is not so easy there, but look, there is more. in reality, this is a local problem, there is a briefing at the president's office, people who are representatives of anonymous telegram channels come there, they are invited there, no one knows who the owner of this channel is, who these people are, well, in principle, we know some , but they don't admit that they are the owners, it's also an interesting thing when they say to a person there, listen, and you are the owner of the channel, no, i sold it a long time ago and it has nothing to do with it, but if you are that person say, let's close your channel, she will certainly mix you with dirt, because you , she will talk about... freedom of speech, and when a person, well, there is a consumer of information, he sees that a representative of this team is sitting here, like you you say, a journa