important government buildings are putting ready interior ministry of the other. and the other ministries while other parts of the city are largely quiet. pro-democracy rally going on in alongside a major park which is practically like teach us version of the central park we were hundreds of us have congregated this afternoon to protest in favor of. both maintaining the current administration and not calling for elections or. refusing to deal with those demonstrators who are calling for ready the fall of the president living with it all right so that's one facet than all the demands from the protesters but tell us more about exactly what the protest is calling for. well the basic the basic protest is in fact desire to hold back of this and to the subsidies richest. subsidy to gasoline control or diesel fuel prices of diesel more than double it's very cheap. this president's trying to achieve through a european process but nonetheless it is a surprise for people who relied on diesel fuel for transporting our cultural goods in pickup trucks or people who are afraid