guts in n atndan..taff ererat t reaean liliar mrsrsr reanad perlly approved so the eventth`t goi to unfold over the courur of nene 3, 4 ys were e l approv byrs. reagan including w w was invited to wre s woulvlve la d d rest. loloti emploloes and f fends say at whi theheurn r passing, t ty're comforted by thththouout o her being reunited with her "ronnie" theyeyad such great respececfor one another anyokn werer fun with each r and laughed and giggled and held hands. they each had a look thathey gave one another. nana: nancy ououl l greatat reagan: 'm goioi to break a leg." nancy: "no, go luck." mrs. reagan also inir great persal loyalty frorothose who workrk fororer... t:xzhe was ly and the wawaalways gratude andnknk yoyi enenou know heclose andwowo directlwithther, she had a great nse o& humum. she s so kind the people she worked w wh. she wotreat t e belllllljust e sasa as she uld d eat the saudi prprce. flags at m n ngovernment buildings arou the nation remain at half-staff thi morning.preside e obama prsed nancreagan's p pnana charand significanan to the nanaon... potus: verbate 12:28:3