data is a big part of it, but there's a reason we don't have realti realtime, flexible data. it's challenging to us. and the other thing, result-based accountability. and that is that we don't just collect data for data sake, but for the end in mind. if you think about it that way, that's why that organization is looking for certain kinds of data. they know the end they're trying to get. they have a clear picture of what equity would look like in public schools in san francisco and they know the data they need to be able to diagnose why we don't have that. diagnosis determines treatment and we need data, we need information. it's working at the problem differently. it's the paradigm is flipped on its head. we don't just look at the data and say, we have a terrible problem here. let's throw a program at it. so it changes completely how we do problem-solving. so it's an important concept. i encourage you to get familiar with that. and, by the way, result-based accountability does not require that we have perfect data today. it requires that we start to think differently about w