and twitter is optimized for realtime immediatesy bringing people closer to whatever it is they care and when i stepped away from there day-to-day, i wanted to go back to my blog. i started blogging in 1996 or something. and i, of course, running a company like twitter didn't have a lot of time to do that. i went to write again, write deeper things, be able to think. i mostly write for myself to figure out what i think. and i found the tools just hadn't really evolved in the last decade or so. and really this theme much most of this stuff that's got answer lot of attention on the internet the last few years have been about lowering the barrier, connecting people, getting this really quick feedback loops which serves a certain purpose. but there wasn't that much work on how do we increase quality. and i think there's two, one of the things i like to know is that we're deeming in a world of infinite information. even e-mail is designed so you're going to read all those e-mails and empty them out of your indocks. but we're going to get to a point where everybody is getting too much e-ma